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Kalapana Bouquet

The unique red anthurium with green accented “ears” is known by the name of Kalapana. This cultivar was created by the University of Hawaii College of Tropical Agriculture in the early 1980’s to celebrate a unique fishing village on the southeastern shore of the Big Island of Hawaii. Its significance was enhanced when the Kilauea Volcano erupted in 1984 and a series of lava flows destroyed this formerly thriving seaside community in 1990. Today we remember this beautiful area known for its’ black sand beaches whenever we see this beautiful flower. This bouquet features 6 large stems of the featured Kalapana anthurium, a couple of stems of white dendrobium orchids, a couple of stems of psittacorum heliconia, several stems of anthurium leaves, 4 stems of ti leaves, and a beautiful container.

Flower substitutions occasionally happen when flowers are out of season or out of stock, to insure your gift arrives on time. Flowers of equal or greater value will be sent at no extra charge.


Code: 8200KS